Friday 1 May 2015

Slightly Tipsy, A Bad Speller and Losing a Friend.

Hello to whoever decided that it would be worthwhile reading this... Rightnow i am slightly intoxicated, by that i mean ive had 4.5 drinks in the last 2 hours or so which for me is not only an achievement but also probably- most likely a bad idea because everything becomes funnier and funnier to me. and i mean it could be the stupidest thing ever and i would treat it like i was watching 'Doug the Pug' videos on instagram.

(For anyone shaking their head- the legal drinking age in Australia is 18. so it's all good guys.)

I've just been out for dinner with a school friend and not too much has changed neither between us or with ourselves in general. we've just cut our hair short; which every single girl in my year of high school seems to have done... wierd.

(I'm editing this post as i go and honestly my spelling is bad on a good day; this is horrendous though)

I'm well aware that i could say something stupid at this current point of time and regret it tomorrow but right now there is no filter in my brain and my fingers do the typing so this could be interesting.

I've been catching up with a friend whom i went to high school  with and we have been friends for around 4-5 years and all is swell, but there is a feeling in the back of my mind that it could end quite easily if one of us stopped making an effort, like, it could fizzle into nothing and neither of us would pick up the pieces to make it right again,and frankly that scares the shit out of me because its so common in this day and age to forget about what it's like to fight for somebody. I would hate it if i ever lost this friend, but i cant help it if people change and grow; and part of that process is letting go of people back home who they used to be close to.

Anyhoooo, i'm beginning to sober up and bed is sounding prettttty good right now. I'll be up at half six tomorrow morning for a trip to Melbourne with the family. oh joy/

Take care,
Maygen xxxx

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