Tuesday 17 November 2015

The Gym Is Not My Friend.

So, I had my first gym session, and it was certainly something else.
I used to play lots of sports when i was younger, from Netball to Athletics i was always running around until i got to Year 11 of high school. That's when everything stopped. I stropped taking P.E at school because let's be real here- nobody liked Phys Ed, and I stopped playing netball due to school and work commitments. So obviously my level of fitness started dwindling by a thread to the point where it became non-existent.

So I turned up to this 24hr gym that's literally five minutes from my house and i quickly looked around- i saw and older couple doing weights together, and then i saw them. The gym junkies; now, nothing against people who love going to the gym and enjoy a healthy lifestyle- but these three guys... their biceps were bigger than my head. They could squash me like a grape.

So once i saw my trainer, he took me over to the treadmill- which at the time i was very pleased with that. Until he selected level 13. 
As i said previously, i had been doing no physical activity until leaving up to this point- so level 13 was the enemy and i was running for my life. literally.
I have never wanted water so badly in my life after finishing 15 minutes on that thing. My legs felt like lead and i thought to myself 'surely this is the worst of it'. Oh how naive i was.

By the half an 45 minute mark i had done and extensive amount of cardio (the bike was now my enemy) and weights. It was safe to say that this trainer guy who scarily looked so a like to a kid i went to school with, had killed me. He killed my body- and not in the way people would brag about. 

I walked out of the gym feeling like i was going to throw up- yet i kept my head up high because I had achieved something. I had managed to get off  my lazy ass and do something good for my body... even though i couldn't bend my arms the next morning... and my legs hurt with every step I took... Let's be honest I'm not going back and you all know it.

Maybe if you paid me.


Hope you have a nice day loves,
Maygen xx

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