Monday 26 October 2015

Wannabe Carrie Bradshaw.

Yes i know, this is possibly the 5th time I have apologised to myself for forgetting about this blog.
When you work 6 days a week, you tend to go a little bit crazy and slightly neurotic- but it's all good. I'll get by just fine... after i have a 12 hour nap and a piece of  cake.

At the moment- I can't begin to believe that the year is nearly over and that Christmas decorations have already started going up at Target well before Halloween is even started.
This does confuse me however. Typically Australian's do not celebrate Halloween; it's never been a thing here. It does surprise me though- because Australia and America aren't that different. Sure there are some food differences, and we have different gun laws... But Australia tends to follow after the USA, which leaves me wondering why Halloween hasn't yet caught on here. I mean sure- I've gone to my fair share of Halloween parties growing up, my best friend is born on the 31st of October so it was bound to happen that i would end up in a witch costume at some stage in my life. But most of Aus chooses not to embrace the spooky holiday for some reason... I think we are missing out.

I have just started watching the first season of Sex & The City- where has this show been all my life? Understandably it was never really appropriate when I was younger but i would always hear my mum and her friends discussing how great it was. So here i am at 12:30pm on a Tuesday wasting the day away with Samantha and her sexual escapades and Carrie's undying fascination with Big. Can somebody take me to New York already? And can i please have those D&G shoes?

The thing I love most about writing these posts is that it makes me think- I have been out of school for a year now and I'm dying to have some productivity other than serving people drinks at work. I just wish i would remember to utilise this platform more- even if it doesn't relate to beauty or makeup- it's nice to just ramble to myself.

Well. My coffee has gone cold and my stomach is rumbling meaning this blog post will have to be left here today.
Have a lovely day and enjoy some cake,

Maygen xx

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